inspire your team

Resilience is the cornerstone of Korrin’s presentations which are designed to inspire, challenge, encourage and support your staff through life’s adversities.

Are you struggling to support your staff through times of stress, experiencing high staff turnover or decreased production?

Businesses and organisations face many challenges when it comes to managing staff & getting the best out of them. On top of that, Covid19 and the challenges it has presented over the last few years have added extra pressure on everyone - business owners and staff alike.

Having the ability to tackle stress, respond to pressure and deal with workplace conflicts is incredibly important, but unfortunately many lack the resilience to do so.

Korrin Barrett motivational speaker in workplaces

Having presented as a speaker to many businesses and organisations here in New Zealand & worldwide, Korrin covers a wide range of issues in the workplace. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Staff Turnover

  • Resilience & Wellbeing

  • Stress 

  • Sick Leave & Absence

  • Staff Moral

  • Bullying

Help your staff build resilience & create a thriving workplace

Fortunately, resilience is a skill that can be learned and continually improved upon.

Korrin’s presentations are tailored to suit your business and offer the ability to better your workplace culture. Telling her story honestly, and with her unique sense of humour thrown in, your staff will walk away feeling inspired and motivated with a different perspective on dealing with difficulties and adversity.

With increased resilience, not only will your staff be able to cope under pressure, but they’ll also be more flexible, have the ability to adapt to new situations, and will have an optimistic and positive mindset.

Every aspect of your business will grow and thrive as a result of a more productive and happier workplace.

A few clients Korrin has worked with

  • A humbling and awe-inspiring experience

    Korrin’s delivery of 3 online workshops to my associates during COVID was a humbling and awe-inspiring series that gave us all a different perspective on challenges and how to have the mindset to overcome these. I would highly recommend Korrin as a speaker for any organisation.

    • Kensi Naicker, Business Director - BD ANZ, Sydney

  • Korrin tailored her topics to best meet the needs of my team

    Korrin hosted a wonderful session with my 80-member team of Engineering and Product Managers at Spotify. We all appreciated hearing Korrin's story, her resilience, and her attitude to life, which is inspirational. I would highly recommend Korrin to talk to any team, Korrin was great to work with and tailored her topics to best meet the needs of my team. Thanks, again!”

    • Ross Chrystall, Snr Business Operations Manager - Spotify

  • Inspirational – Funny – Sad – Awe Inspiring!

    These are the words that come to my mind when I think of Korrin Barrett. Her story is one that needs to be heard as it is real and true and it gives you perspective of difficulties faced and conquered. Korrin left her mark well and truly at Air Hawkes Bay and we would recommend her whole heartedly as a competent and versatile speaker.

    • Julie Wakefield, Administration Manager - Air Hawkes Bay

  • Inspirational, emotional, and truly amazing!

    On its own, Korrin’s journey of overcoming adversity is remarkable, but her ability to connect with an audience and challenge them not to let life’s challenges hold you back is what sets her apart.  A professional and polished speaker, Korrin delivered an engaging message which gave our team perspective on some of the daily hurdles we face in our personal and professional lives. Highly recommend!!

    • Greg Kidd, Regional Manager-Lower North Island NZ, Steel and Tube

Give your staff the opportunity to be inspired and experience positive personal growth.

Motivational speaker and coach based in New Zealand